Monday, January 17, 2011

Necklace Holder

My dear neighbors growing up were an elderly couple, The Ramseys, who came to be like another set of grandparents. We swam in their pool all summer long, they hosted the neighborhood Fourth of July party every year with swimming all day long, Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner, and watermelon and fireworks in the cove after dinner. The adults sat on the benches in the circle drive while all the kids had a kickball game in the cove or a "Cars" game, where we visited each house in the neighborhood on our bikes to take care of a certain item of business (grocery, car wash, bank, etc.)

Mr. Ramsey framed this piece of lattice for me, and it served as my headboard for well over 15 years. He has since passed away, along with his sweet wife, but the lattice has traveled to several different houses with me. A few days ago, I decided to add clothespins to it and hang my necklaces on it, and I have loved the result.

A sweet memory of my dear friends, a useful accessory in my house, and a great way to make artwork of my favorite accessories.

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